Dependent Verification

Welcome Participants of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 421 Fringe Benefit Funds! Click on the links below to complete the 2020 Dependent Verification Form!

The Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union No. 421 Health & Welfare Fund ("the Fund") has received feedback from Participants regarding the requirement of an Annual Claim Form to be completed before dependent claims are processed for payment. The Trustees of the Fund have heard your requests and have eliminated the requirement for an Annual Claim Form beginning with claims incurred in 2020. In order to ensure the Fund has the most up-to-date information on file for this administrative change, the Fund is conducting a Dependent Verification Initiative in order to review covered dependents.

The purpose of this review is:

  1. To ensure that the Fund Office has accurate information on file in order to complete reporting required by the Fund’s Stop Loss Carrier.
  2. To ensure that only those individuals who meet the Fund’s definition of Dependent are covered by the Fund.


Please complete the Dependent Verification Initiative no later than September 30, 2020. Failure to complete the Dependent Verification Initiative by September 30, 2020 may result in your dependents being removed from the Fund.

Click the Below Link Dependent Verification Website to complete the verification.

For assistance, contact the Fund Office at (866) 757-0421 or click here.

Dependent Verification Website

Fund Documents:

Dependent Verification Form

421 Service SBC 2020

421 Construction SBC 2020

Other Actions:

Take me to the Member Portal where I can view my benefit records.

Take me to the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 421 Fringe Benefit Funds home page.